First Pacific Mobile Makerspace in Action!
First Innovation Business Center Launched in NW Syria!
Pacific Mobile Makerspace is opening soon.....
World Creativity and Innovation Day 21 April
Field Ready-Vanuatu: Response to Tropical Cyclones Judy and Kevin
Türkiye and Syria Earthquake Response Situation Report
"Survival Cube" - The First Earthquake Innovation
Welcoming A New Makerspace in Sulimaniyah
Getting Ready To Launch
Our Humanitarian Of The Year
Working together to keep it clean - 12,000 times
Delivering Dignity
A Virtual Experience
Redesigning for resilience
Open Know-Where launched
Breaking new ground in Baghdad
Design competition winners make life easier with 3D
Competing in 3D
Beating COVID-19 in developing countries
Erbil Makerspace 2019 Review: A Summer of Inventions