We have a unique vision for the future and possess the means to scale it worldwide:
More than 100 million people each year are affected by disasters or conflicts; about 1.3 billion people worldwide suffer from extreme poverty. Through no fault of their own, these people face volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. We are compelled to act because of our deep passion to help others.
We see the opportunity to make a difference in these dire situations. Lives can be saved, suffering can be reduced and people's resilience can be supported. But current supply chains are slow, expensive and cumbersome; between 60-80% of international aid is spent on logistics. Field Ready's on-the-ground approach establishes a way for people in disaster- and conflict-affected areas to get the items they need where and when they need them through local manufacturing - to not just survive, but thrive.
Making: We specialize in local manufacturing, designing, fabricating and repairing useful things in difficult environments. We have the technical know-how and the experience to deploy resources to where the need is greatest. Our approach works across humanitarian sectors (e.g. health and healthcare, nutrition, shelter, water and sanitation) and relies on partnerships to be successful.
Training: We focus on passing on knowledge to others and make all our designs open-source. We strengthen the skills, competencies and abilities of aid workers and disaster-affected people. We have the curricula, equipment and know-how to do this wherever we work.
Innovating: We pioneer ways to transform humanitarian logistics. We create ground-breaking solutions and make them scalable. We bring people together in new ways - online and in the field - to amplify the impact of our approach.

We believe that everyone should have the supplies they need, where they need them and when they need them. This means that:
· Relief, recovery and reconstruction should be better, faster and cheaper
· Reliance on fragile and costly supply chains is reduced and local economies are boosted because 100% of supplies that can be made locally are made locally
· Aid is delivered more efficiently and effectively because needed supplies are available
· Resilience and preparedness improve because people have access to production tools and support to aid in an area's recovery
Our approach is based on best practices from a variety of sectors including international aid, healthcare, design, engineering and technology. We achieve extraordinary outcomes through a simple, easily scaled approach:
· We work in places and on problems that other people avoid or walk away from.
· We build on existing capacities by filling gaps and supporting what works.
· Our proven five-step method produces positive results even in the worst situations.
End Goals?
We are working hard toward a future where logistical needs are met wherever the need arises. Over the course of the next decade, our innovative approach will be scaled and mainstreamed - and reach a point where it becomes a standard way of providing international aid. This means that aid is ‘"better, faster and cheaper" so more people are helped. By making items locally and teaching others our methods, we have:
· Reduced the price of some critical life-saving humanitarian supplies by 90%.
· Delivered items in a matter of hours rather than the weeks or months commonly seen using traditional aid logistics.
· Enhanced community resilience and preparedness by enabling local manufacturing and other means of recovery.
· Trained thousands of people and shared our designs, knowledge and approach openly and widely.