Iraq faces a critical time in its turbulent recent history. Different areas of the country face a myriad of humanitarian, reconstruction and stabilization challenges. At the same time, this situation presents an opportunity to propel on-the-ground initiatives that can have a lasting impact for the country. A primary example are makerspaces, collaborative spaces where learning and skills development lead to making and fabrication which in turn result in entrepreneurship and improved job prospects, as well as activities that directly contribute to peacebuilding and stabilization.
To make the most out of this situation, Field Ready has partnered with GIZ and two partners in Iraq, to nurture internal talent and create an enabling environment that contributes to Iraq’s innovation eco-system. The goal of this program is to improve the stability and future viability of youth in Northern Iraq through the support of the makerspace ecosystem.
Through this proposed program, Field Ready will help establish and support a Mosul Space makerspace and one in center managed by Re:Coded in Erbil. These will consist of state of the art tools and equipment that enable high-quality learning, exchange and skills-development. The result will be a network of makerspaces within innovation hubs providing youth with the opportunity to gain practical digital fabrication skills. This will in turn boost their future employability, opportunities to engage in entrepreneurship, and prospects for peace.
To achieve the above goal, three objectives will be realized:
Start-up a minimum of two makerspaces (i.e. Mosul Space and Re:Coded) through the provision and equipping of needed supplies
Ensure the capacity to deliver programming of two makerspaces through recruitment, training and mentoring of qualified staff members
Increase the long-term viability and quality through the provision of technical assistance including guidance, mentoring and the implementation of a range of programming activities
When the program is completed in 12-months’ time, the following outputs will be achieved:
50 people using coworking spaces with makerspace facilities
220 young people complete training in digital fabrication specializations (including 15 People with Disabilities)
300 people attend digital fabrication related events
Moreover, the program will contribute to a number of critical outcomes as well to address the basic needs of people in targeted locations and thereby contribute to stability and reconstruction. These include:
Increased economic opportunities for Iraqi youth
Improved interaction in the burgeoning makerspace ecosystem
Enhanced synergies between the makerspace ecosystem and aid programming
Improved stability in target areas
Please watch this space for more good things to come.