The key to sustainability and scalability is in large part due to the knowledge shared between our different programs. While most of us work in different locations, we have the ability to collaborate even despite the geographic barriers.
An useful illustration of this is in the context of our Nepal and Syria program. The lifting airbag first began in Syria, and has been used to rescue people from rubble in the aftermath of bombings. So far this devise has directly saved 20 people. It was recently recognized by Fast Company as a "World Changing Idea."

In Nepal, the government expressed interest in locally sourcing the airbags to use for a variety of purposes.
We have recently sourced the materials and are undergoing testing. Our team in Nepal recently did a burst test to see how much pressure the airbags can take, as well as tested the thickness of the material.
While testing in all contexts is imperative, they were able to fast-track some of the initial questions through their collaborations with the Syria team.
While the contexts in which they are working may vary, this same design can have incredible impact. This frequent sharing of knowledge between all of our programs will enable us to bring our designs and approach to many future countries.
We will continue to update as this essential lifesaving effort progresses.