The World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul brought together over 5,000 people - aid workers, policy specialists, researchers, vendors, donor officials and those directly affected by disasters - for the first time ever to focus on how to improve humanitarian aid.
An entire section of the WHS was devoted to innovations that are shaping the field for the future. Roughly 50 separate organizations displayed everything from the latest in digital technology and telecommunications to water sterilization and specialized mobility devices. It was an impressive group. Had the WHS been held just a decade earlier, few if any of these innovations would have been on display.
The organizers of the summit brought together a panel of experts to hand pick which were the most innovative - groundbreaking and potentially impactful on the future of aid - efforts present. Field Ready was selected among the top five and awarded with the 'light bulb' of recognition (shown here). We are pleased that our peers see the potential in what we're working on and we're proud to have been selected from such a great group of projects that are making a difference in the world.