Field Ready

Mar 17, 20202 min

Field Ready's Strategy and Response to COVID-19

Field Ready is preparing to ramp up our response. Our first priority has been safeguarding our staff and those we assist. Back in January, we posted a blog about some of the ways we are responding to outbreaks. This can be read here. These are activities we're actively seeking to expand and add new locally made solutions for the health sector.

Our strategy in the immediate term is to develop, make and disseminate the knowledge about workable solutions. We seek to expand capacity by working with established partners including local businesses which can scale to meet demand. Looking out in the coming months, out to a year or longer, we expect that a number of countries with existing vulnerability and poor infrastructure to be heavily affected by COVID-19. This will be the main focus of our activities and as the pandemic subsides we will work hard to help prevent its reemergence and reduce its risk.

We strongly advocate that 1) innovations that can have an impact be fully supported, 2) standards are met and quality remains particularly to ensure that no harm is ever caused and 3) existing local makerspaces are categorized as “critical infrastructure” in the light of closures/sheltering-in-place rules. We encourage others to join us in these important points to ensure their dissemination and support.

How Field Ready is Making a Difference

To achieve these objectives before us – to do all we can to help reduce the threat of COVID-19 – we have already created a few viable options for impact. In the coming days, we’ll share in other blogs and on social media solutions we’re developing such as a hands-free elbow-operated faucet, a foot-peddle operated tap and oxygen splitters for ventilators which are a great need right now.

In addition to those items already in our catalog such as “hidden-incentives soap” and various repairs for complex medical machines, other items in the works include items that prevent direct contact to pathogens and protect health providers.

Get involved

As we work through these difficult days, I have been buoyed immensely by how everyone has come together and supported one another. Our teams are doing an amazing job – but they need to do an even bigger job. And for that, we need your help. There are at least three ways you can help:

1. Contribute to our COVID-19 response fund via PayPal

2. Contribute designs/solutions on

3. Spread the message in your networks and on social media

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the many donors and partners already supporting our activity in this challenging time.
